Problems... Weird ones...

I just bought a nice and sleek Asus 23” Display for my PC. Because of my old Hardware, I’am not able to attach it via HDMI to it. Good for me I’ve had my Lenovo IdeaPad Z370. I’ve attached it to the display and you know what? It works. Just out of the box… … Until I decided, to change the alignment of the two displays (the Asus and the laptop one).

Ubuntu on Lenovo IdeaPad Z370

This post is designed for everyone who considers to buy a Lenovo IdeaPad Z370 and plans to install Ubuntu 11.04 on it. The Z370 is a cheap (around 430€) , 13,3” wide screen laptop with an core I3 2nd generation CPU and 4 gig ram. About Ubuntu I don’t have say anything. On the other hand I have to mention the problems regarding laptop hardware support. Long story short: There are problems, but none of them are serious.

A blog. Again

Another day another blog. I won’t promise anything, but at least I’ll try to write once a while